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Why You Should Put Yourself “On the Line” with Your Clients

By James Benham
By James Benham

In today’s blog post, I want to talk about gaining a new client’s trust through a system of risk and reward.

We know that switching services, even from Excel or Word, to something new is big and scary. It’s expensive, it takes a lot of time, and it’s difficult to do.

I’ve found it helpful in building client relationships to put myself on the line with them.

How do you do that? Here are two ways to get started:

1. Show Your Clients a Different Way of Doing Business

To foster trust, position yourself as a strategic partner rather than just a vendor. Engage in collaborative problem-solving and be proactive in identifying opportunities for improvement. Regularly share insights, industry trends, and innovative solutions that can benefit your clients. By demonstrating thought leadership and a genuine interest in their long-term success, you’ll build a strong partnership. Make it clear that you are there to support their growth and not just to complete transactions.

2. Make All Contracts At Will

Offer flexible, at-will contracts that give clients the freedom to leave if they are not satisfied. This approach sends a powerful message: “If you don’t like us, fire us.” It shows that you are committed to earning their business through consistent performance rather than locking them into long-term commitments. This transparency and confidence can significantly enhance trust. Your goal should be to win your clients’ hearts and minds every month, every quarter, and every year through exceptional service and results, ensuring they stay with you because they want to, not because they have to.

As someone with a successful business of almost 25 years, client relationships and trust are hugely important. If you can earn trust straight away by putting your life on the line with theirs, you can send a powerful message about your commitment and integrity. This approach shows that you are willing to share the risks and rewards with your clients, showing that their success is directly tied to your own.

Important Question to Ask Yourself this Week:

How can I improve my client relationships? And what measures can I put in place to build greater client trust?

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