How To Generate Cash Immediately By James Benham I consider myself a hard worker, who is always adapting, innovating and ready to make things happen. Since I was young, I knew I wanted to build something for myself. So, here’s what I did to generate cash for my business: Asked People To Give Me Work It really is that simple. If you have a skill to offer that is niche or something people don’t want to do themselves, there is a good chance someone is willing to pay you to do it. For me, I could write code, and I knew I could do it well. That skill was in demand in 2001 and I knew that if I could sell my skills to people within my network, I could get a good running start at my business. Utilized My Network Sometimes, it really is all about who you know. I leveraged my network from the Corps of Cadets at Texas A&M, and reached out to former Cadets to see if they needed any work done for their business. Once I secured a couple of projects, built software and delivered on those projects, word spread and I was able to build a business around an in-demand skill. Built What I Had To Build, So I Could Build What I Wanted To Build Was I good at writing code for other businesses? Yes. Was that what I wanted to do forever? No. I knew that I possessed a skill that was in demand, and even though my goal was to build products, I could not do that without first generating cash and building a runway for myself. I started off doing something I didn’t love, in order to lay the building blocks for the success of my business. Important Question to Ask Yourself This Week: What skills do you possess that are linked to your ultimate business goal? How could you use those skills to start to build your business? Share This Recommended Articles Who is a Disruptor? 01/20/2024 Being a Bootstrapped Entrepreneur 02/01/2024 3 Ways To Nurture Corporate Innovators 03/19/2024