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Capital Efficiency: The New Business Imperative

By James Benham
By James Benham

 In today’s blog post, I want to discuss why capital efficiency is important in bootstrapping.

Any market where you are competing against well-funded, deep-pocketed private equity and venture-backed competitors is challenging. They can venture-subsidize their price point, going in at a lower price point or using different models that allow them to burn cash for years before needing to generate a profit.

With bootstrapping, you don’t have that luxury. And within bootstrapping and VC-funded businesses in the last two years due to an economic downturn, capital efficiency has become the “watchword.”

The old watchword was “growth at all costs,” meaning to burn all of your cash to achieve a high growth rate, no longer works in our current economy.

If you are bootstrapping, no matter your finances, you always think about how to survive. You must know how to manage cash flow, manage your investments and live within your means. This means being incredibly strategic with every dollar you spend, ensuring every decision aligns with your long-term goals. 

I know this is less than ideal, but capital efficiency is about more than just cutting costs; it’s about maximizing the impact of every dollar. It’s about being resourceful, innovative and agile.

In a landscape where your competitors might have more resources, your advantage lies in your ability to operate smarter, not just larger.

As you continue to build and grow your business, consider capital efficiency. This mindset can set you apart and ensure your business thrives, even in the toughest of markets.

Important Question to Ask Yourself this Week:

Are you making every dollar count in your business, or are there areas where you could be more capital efficient?

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