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To Disrupt or Be Disrupted, That Is The Question

By James Benham
By James Benham

Howdy! In today’s blog post, I want to discuss the power of business disruption and the importance of paying attention to what’s happening around you.

How many stories do you need to hear before you believe that if you don’t innovate in your company, you will be disrupted?

The reality of it is that disruption can come at any time. It shows up when you least expect it, fueled by companies that refuse to consistently accept the status quo.

Think about Blockbuster or Kodak. These were giants in their industries until they weren’t. And they didn’t fail because they didn’t have the knowledge or expertise, they failed because they didn’t pay attention to what was happening around them.

The same thing applies to many different industries. Technology is advancing at an accelerated rate and if you don’t use it to improve efficiency, cut costs or enhance your customer service, you are leaving the door open for disruption.

Here are some ideas for how to avoid disruption and stay competitive:

1. Build a culture of innovation: Encourage your staff to bring forward new ideas and think differently.

2. Leverage technology to improve your processes: AI, automation, and more are the future of business and need to be incorporated into your everyday workflow.

3. Invest in your people: The best tech out there will do you no good if your people aren’t willing to learn it.

Ultimately, being disrupted or being the disruptor is your choice. If time has told us anything, it’s that the biggest, most established companies are the ones that pay attention and adapt fast.

Important Question to Ask Yourself This Week:

What steps is your company currently taking to foster innovation?

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