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2 Things I Would Recommend To My Past Self

By James Benham
By James Benham

Today, I’m here to talk about the importance of prioritizing coaching in business and the value of clearing your schedule frequently.

Prioritize Coaching

I’ve mentioned previously that my dad was my first mentor, advisor and business partner. However, I do wish that I had reached out to a coach who was unrelated when I first started my business.

I was focused on saving money and building the business, but at the end of the day, hiring a coach is not that expensive compared to the revenue that they can help you bring in by being a more effective businessperson.

Getting a conversation started with coaches and mentors faster and earlier will only help your business grow and thrive in today’s competitive landscape.

Clear your schedule

Anyone who knows me knows that I’ve been really busy since starting my business back in 2001. I am constantly travelling for work, whether it be speaking at conferences, running activations for my products, or showing up to important events in my industry.

In the first 15 years of running my business, I was probably travelling about 130 days each year. That was an incredible amount of travel. And because of my busy travel schedule, I didn’t learn how to break down what I really needed to do.

I was taking a shotgun approach because I didn’t know how to measure the results well enough. So I ended up very busy, but not always very productive. I had to learn how to say “no,” cut down on my travel and sit down and evaluate all of my opportunities and determine what is most important.

As I mentioned previously, learning from other people’s mistakes has helped me succeed in business. So learn from me and consider hiring a business coach and know when to say “no” to opportunities that do not serve you.

Important Question to Ask Yourself This Week:

How can you learn from the mistakes of others? Is there a potential mentor or coach in your network you can reach out to?

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